Projects and Schedule 2002
Bjørn Rørslett/NN - Professional
Nature Photographer
On this page I intend to outline my ongoing
projects and scheduled tasks for a given period. The purpose of
this is to give people a better idea of what's currently
occupying my mind and interests. Also, it is easier to understand
why I may be hard to locate ....
Many activites carry over from last years.
Maybe the Third Millenium proves more optimal - time will show.
Anyway, I'm busier than ever before.
Current Major Projects:
- UV and IR Photography using digital approaches. I have
recently purchased a Nikon D1H to this end. Digital may
perhaps not provide an equal quality with film on this
topic, but who cares? I'm having plain, old-fashioned fun
shooting with my D1H.
- Compiling an image catalogue of UV floral patterns for a
representative set of Norwegian flowering plants. The
images eventually are to be published on my site.
Why not? I'm certainly in for some surprising insights.
Thus, I've already encountered seemingly anonymous
species with beautifully fluorescent flower buds. Some
closely related species (for which I have to consult my
thick, scientific flora to identify), turn out to have
highly different UV markings in their flowers. Good news
for the bees because they neither can read nor afford a
flora this expensive.
- More work with panorama formats, using Hasselblad XPan,
Noblex (137° angle of view!), or stitched digital
- More macro work with my Nikon Multiphot device.
Schedule Autumn 2002
- yet to be finalised - details will
soon follow -
For getting in touch, try e-mail or look into my Address Page
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Last Update 18 July, 2002