All About: Bjørn Rørslett
Professional Nature Photographer

- Living and working in Oslo, Norway
- Age 58
- Educated and trained as an aquatic
ecologist with macrophytes, statistics, image analysis,
underwater light climates and computer modelling as areas
of special interest. Recently retired from my scientific
position to give photography higher priority in my life.
- Active in Photography for 30+ years
- Single parent with 2 children, Liv
(22) and Erlend (18)
- Totally committed to all aspects of
Nature Photography
- Member of executive committees of
several Norwegian Nature Photography Societies
- Runs a small Nature Photography
company, NÆRFOTO, to help distribute high-quality (digital)
images to clients anywhere
- Contract with SAMFOTO stock library in Oslo, Norway, and its
associated Nordic libraries.
- Girl Friend:
Ruth is the best friend and companion any
man can have
- Favourite Car: The French Peugeot 306
Special Edition. This is in fact my 3rd Peugeot so
obviously I'm devoted to this product line.
- Favourite Literature: "The
Process" by Franz Kafka (still after all these years)
- Favourite Music: the soaring beauty of
the works by Tangerine Dream; and the sheer, spine-chilling, impact of
compositions by Johan Sebastian Bach. How can any mortal
produce these timeless achievements? True genius defeats
the march of time.
- Favourite Photographer: So many I
can't list them all, but American Nature photographers
aren't amongst them, I wonder why?
- Favourite Operating System: Windows NT
4.0 (although I'm no big fan of M*S*, this OS has proven
itself extremely stable and powerful for my line
of work. I see no viable alternative at present - and
yes, I've also tried Linux - in fact, am running a Redhat 9 test
machine on my network, as well as a specialised Linux
proxy server and firewall). The alternative is Windows
2000, troubled with bugs not yet weeded out, but I need
it for operating my LS-8000 scanner and for running my
web server. However, Win2000 runs much slower than NT,
even on identical hardware (I've measured up to 40%
slower). Windows XP is a blatant insult to the user and I
ruthlessly eradicate it any time I purchase laptops and
find they come with XP pre-installed. I'm not willing to
give up user control of my own PCs. Alas, that's the
reality, take or leave it.
- Favourite Web Browser: It used to be Netscape
Navigator (I find the very
idea of installing a browser that takes partial control
over my PC disgusting. In particular so with M*S*'s bad
track record). However, I wish it had less bugs and
better DHTML support. Also, since Internet Explorer (IE)
together with all its stupid bugs and security holes now
have taken over the lion's share of the browser
installations, many web sites these days are sloppily
coded to run against IE only. Hence I've been changing
over to Mozilla
recently. Mozilla is in fact excellent, but there are
some annoying flaws with it (for example, it may corrupt
searching with Nordic letters which is an affront to me,
and Java support sometimes is flaky). You cannot always
get what you want, at least not in a single package.
- Favourite Computer Manufacturer: ASUS
- Favourite Film: "Blade Runner" . It has stood the test of time. So, for
the matter, has the "Colour" (Red, White, Blue)
trilogy by Krzysztof Kieslowski. Or, "Viskningar och
Rop" by Ingmar Bergman. Or, "Citizen
Kane", by Orson Welles, although I found it had
begun faltering the last time I saw it.
- Best Traits: Inquisitiveness and
- Worst Traits: Haven't got time to
listen to people with better insight than me
As has become the norm for well-respected
Norwegian Nature Photographers, I am basically lazy and enjoys
working Nature Photography from the vicinity of my car. A typical
example is shown here:
Nature Photography:
Me, my red Peugeot
and the ubiquitous
Nikon F5 mounted
on my indispensable
Sachtler Tripod
- need I say more ?
If you still are
unconvinced, click here
for a view of a mountain
photographer! |
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